Leeuwin Immigration

Leeuwin Immigration Australia provides a personalised service to both migrants and businesses. We have assisted many migrants and their families obtain a visa to suit their personal circumstances. We have also assisted many businesses to obtain the relevant sponsorship and nomination approvals to employ a skilled person from overseas.

We are committed to providing you with an honest, reliable and personal service with prompt responses to your queries. At all times will you be dealing with one of the company’s Registered Migration Agents, ensuring a highly professional service.

Using the services of our Registered Migration Agents will ensure efficient management of your case with a high chance of success.

Any Australian migration agent has to be registered with the Office
of the Migration Agents Registration Authority (OMARA) and abide by the industry’s Code of Conduct. It prescribes our obligations towards you as our client. You can view the Code of Conduct here.

We are Migration Agents registered with the Office
of the Migration Agents Registration Authority (OMARA).

Search for a Migration Agents Registration Number (MARN) here.

We are members of the Migration Institute of Australia (MIA).

Search for a Migration Agent’s Membership Number here.